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The Tower
A flash prose piece written based on a memory of Florence, as part of Asheville’s Monday evening workshops.
A Vodka in Holič
A travel memory from the original Venture. Something you should know about me: I’m pretty unlucky. This is one of the reasons I get travel anxiety, because whenever I step out of my cozy little sphere of comfort, things inevitably go wrong — like the time I ended up in Rome without a place to…
Celebrate Everything
There are no shortcuts in publishing, and no guarantees. But what does stale cake have to do with writing success?
A Character History
Being a brief history of your author and the circumstances which led her to take up the pen…
Diagnosing the Body
The first time I end up in the mental ward, I swear it’ll be the only time… a short memoir.
A Story is a Moment of Change
One of the first exercises that we were assigned during my writing studies at UNC Asheville was the “circular story”. In a page or so, we were to write a complete narrative. The caveat, of course, was that the story had to begin and end “in the same place”…