The Tower
A flash prose piece written based on a memory of Florence, as part of Asheville’s Monday evening workshops.
A Character History
Being a brief history of your author and the circumstances which led her to take up the pen…
Islands of Healing and Isolation
When does the healing power of isolation become a punishment? As I write this, the sun is setting beyond the storm clouds of the Med. The sea is shadowed, restless and insistent — if I lean just right through my sickroom window, I can see it, the narrowest glimpse of the shore, the sea tearing…
Deathsong | Prologue
Before In the mornings, when the mistblooms brushed their lazy vines against her window and spread their leaves to catch the sun, she could look out from the highest tower of the House of Doors and see all of it spread out below her: the placid lagoon and the shedding trees and the steep, stone…
The Wintertree
An exclusive prequel short story from the world of The Ravenscourt Tragedies for subscribers to my webfiction.
We Are Made to Bloom
And then there are the drifters, the wanderers, the ones that float away on wind and water… a fantasy short story.
The Well and the Garden
The war is over. The invaders won. But that’s not the end of the story…