It’s time for a new Beginning. Here’s to many more…
man with fireworks

Amongst the scrap and debris of midnight parties, a new year dawns. Will it be the calm after the storm? Or does 2024 promise more chaos?

Only time will tell. At this point last year, we were sure that 2023 was going to be our year. My partner and I had just moved to Barcelona; we were planning our wedding. Both of us had taken big steps in our careers, and everything shone bright with promise.

And then life happened.

As they say: a good day is a good day. A bad day is a good story. I’m still scrambling to pick up the pieces of last year (or will be, once I’ve recovered from the last twenty-four hours of celebration). But for now, in this moment of quiet calm after all the chaos and catharsis, I can look back and see the few elements that didn’t completely fall apart. One of the big things that got me through 2023 was the writing.

So, without further ado, here’s a quick run down of my writing wins this past year.

A Year of Writing

Published Pieces
  • All the Pretty Little Lies | A short memoir about mental health and mistakes. Recipient of an Editor’s Choice Award in CRAFT Literary’s 2023 Creative Non-Fiction Prize.
Quote against sunset background: "For Khalii, eight years old, crooked limbs skinny and branching, every forest has a melody..."

We are Made to Bloom | A fantasy short story about motherhood, identity, and legacy. Published by Uncharted Magazine.

  • The Wintertree | A fantasy short story for YA readers, self-released for Christmas as part of my series, The Ravenscourt Tragedies.
Scheduled Releases
  • Diagnosing the Body | A braided memoir examining the mental health system and living with PMDD. Coming in April from Inspire the Mind.
  • A Murder of Crows | A gothic gaslamp YA fantasy involving stolen spirits and forbidden magic. I’m releasing the current draft as a web serial before self-publishing later this year.
Completed Manuscripts

A Lullaby of Stolen Stars / Deathsong | My space-tinged YA fantasy about a girl who sings death. Currently in the last round of edits before sending it off to my agent.

Quote against background: "I know the note a flower sings as it dies, and I know the silence that follows after..."
  • A Charm of Magpies | The sequel to A Murder of Crows, the first draft is currently waiting on feedback before I tear it apart once more.

I’m so glad to have had you with me through the ups and downs of this past year. I hope you’ll stick with me through the next year and beyond — and no matter what comes at us over the next twelve months, I would just like to say, sincerely, thank you for being there, on the other side of the screen.

Here’s to more sharing and more stories in 2024!

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