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Celebrate Everything
There are no shortcuts in publishing, and no guarantees. But what does stale cake have to do with writing success?
A Character History
Being a brief history of your author and the circumstances which led her to take up the pen…
Writing is a Long and Winding Road
All we can do is take Things day by day… I have a confession to make: I am a slow writer. Like snail’s pace slow. Like sloth-migration slow. Like glacier creating a lake bed in granite during the deepest depths of an ice age slow. I blame most of this literary sluggishness on the fact…
Islands of Healing and Isolation
When does the healing power of isolation become a punishment? As I write this, the sun is setting beyond the storm clouds of the Med. The sea is shadowed, restless and insistent — if I lean just right through my sickroom window, I can see it, the narrowest glimpse of the shore, the sea tearing…