Featuring: New Year Goals, official travel documents, and a lending library of bookish artefacts.
photo displays person holding ball with reflection of horizon
Photo by Sindre Fs on Pexels.com

January Update: A New Year

And just like that, it’s 2025. To be perfectly honest, I’m not mad to see the end of 2024. It was a year full of medical scares and too much stress. But good things happened too. I finished drafts of two books — one polished, one in its earliest stages, and got halfway through a third manuscript. This year, I’m focusing entirely on my books, so hopefully you’ll soon be hearing some good things about the two manuscripts I’m aiming to finish this year. Until then, though, let’s just celebrate getting through the past year.

Buckle up, y’all. I’ve got a feeling 2025 is going to be an interesting one.

Multiverse Travel Agreement

Now, before we set out on our multiverse adventure for 2025, I’ve been told that there’s some paperwork I need you to sign. You see, we’ll be travelling through several alternate universes, though the majority of our time will be spent in a location known as The Verse. At this point, there’s limited information available on our primary destination, and so I can’t guarantee our travels to be danger free.

While I would very much prefer for you NOT to be eaten by a dragon or whatever else might be out there, in order to minimise paperwork for my sponsor, I’ve been told to pass on the following CONSENT FORM for you to sign.

Consent Form

This agreement is between (”Companion”) and The Library and is applicable in all locations and circumstances that Companion may find themselves in during the course of their travels with the Visitor.

  1. Companion acknowledges that multiverse travel is inherently dangerous, and that they may end up in life-threatening or even reality-threatening situations during their travels. In such cases, Companion is not entitled to a refund.
  2. Companion agrees that, in no circumstances, are they to become PLOT RELEVANT.
  3. Companion confirms that The Library cannot be held responsible for incidents, disasters, or mortal injury ensuing from situations involving:
    • Incorrect or outdated setting information
    • Incorrect or outdated main character information
    • Errors in currency, clothing, or other supplies provided for Companion’s use
    • Faults in equipment or other resources
    • Dragons

Artefacts Loan

Finally, my sponsors are very keen to avoid your unfortunate demise. To that end, I’ve compiled a list of useful items that I’ve collected from previous travels. Feel free to borrow one of them.

(Can you name all the books referenced above? Bonus points if you comment a list of all the correct titles!)

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