Celebrate Everything
There are no shortcuts in publishing, and no guarantees. But what does stale cake have to do with writing success?
Writing is a Long and Winding Road
All we can do is take Things day by day… I have a confession to make: I am a slow writer. Like snail’s pace slow. Like sloth-migration slow. Like glacier creating a lake bed in granite during the deepest depths of an ice age slow. I blame most of this literary sluggishness on the fact…
Islands of Healing and Isolation
When does the healing power of isolation become a punishment? As I write this, the sun is setting beyond the storm clouds of the Med. The sea is shadowed, restless and insistent — if I lean just right through my sickroom window, I can see it, the narrowest glimpse of the shore, the sea tearing…
The Place between Stories…
What do you do when you end up lost between projects, books, stories, other worlds? Latest Writing News I’m thrilled to announce that I was awarded Editor’s Choice in the 2022 CNF Award by CRAFT Literary. My short memoir, “All the Pretty Little Lies” will be published on CRAFT’s website on June 9th. Also keep…